Matthew and Mark were both disciples of Christ. Just like humans, though they lived with Christ and were able to learn from Him, their recollection of things was not the same. Not that any was wrong, but this shows not two people can see the same a situation the same.
1. Five ways in which Matthew has revised material taken over from mark and give an example in each one.
    During the scene on His baptism, Matthew has chosen to give us the words spoken between John and Jesus where as Mark went straight to the baptism itself. Matthew takes time to explain and bring out the details of every encounter Jesus had. When healing the leper (Math81-4, Mk140-44), Matthew has revised this by not excluding the part where the crowd was following Him everywhere.
2, Give three examples of Mts emphasis on judgement. To whom is the warning about judgement directed in each example
In the parable of the healing of he paralytic (Mk21-112, Math91-8) Matthew takes this passage and condenses it bring out the people understanding that it is God who was working in Jesus by giving him authority to forgive sins. When asked about fasting (Mk218-22, Math914-17) Matthew brings out the fact that the old and the new both have use. That the reason new wine is poured in new wine skins is for preservation. When documenting on the calling of the disciples (Mk316-19, Math101-42) Matthew takes time to clearly what Jesus is asking of his disciple. He outlines to his readers in details exactly what Jesus expected of His disciples. When encountered by an evil spirit (Math1225-29, Mk323-27) Matthew brings out clearly the point that all our actions will be judged.
    In Matthew 1015 he is again reminding those that choose not to turn from their debaucheries, on the judgement day things will not be very good. That in truth Sodom and Gomorrah will look like a walk in the park. In 1218, he speaks to remind all people about the word of prophet Isaiah concerning Christ. Who he is before God and what he will do to all people. In 12 41-42 he speaks to all who refuse to repent even though they are made aware of their sins.
3, Give three examples of Jesus as true interpreter of the law. To whom is the warning about judgement directed in each example
    On three instances Jesus is shown to be the true interpreter of the law. Firstly when asked by the Pharisees and teachers of the law about cleanliness and uncleanliness (Math151-20), in this case he was warning people to watch their spoken word and by extension their hearts. During His transfiguration (Math171-13), Jesus clearly tells his disciples and by extension us today to stop judging situations for even we do not seem to know the truth. When asked about the greatest commandment (Math2236-37) he warned all that without love there were not going to achieve much. This was the root of all things good.
4. Give three examples in which Matthew has shifted Marks picture of Jesus disciples away from misunderstanding an fear . What characteristic has Matthew given the disciples in his portrayal
    Instead of portraying the disciples as afraid (Mk 435-41) they are portrayed as amazed (Math823-28), where Mark in (932) calls them afraid, Matthew says they were filled with grief (1723). 
5. How does Matthew use the warnings against the hypocrites (Pharisees)to address dangers within the Christian community
    Matthew uses warnings against hypocrites twelve time in his gospel (Math62, 65, 616, 157, 2218, 2313, 2315, 2323, 2325, 2327, 2329, 2451). In all this times, he addresses the dangers of been showbiz Christians. He acknowledges the danger that is real in people who chose to do things because they can be seen and yet they have the wrong motive. He warns the Christian community to be on guard since no one can see the heart to know the motivation behind good deeds. But instead to always strive to do good.
6. Using a concordance find the passages in which Matthew uses the verb to fulfil . What do these passages tell the reader of the gospel about Jesus
    Matthew has used  to fulfil seven times (Math122, 315, 414, 517, 817, 1217  214). In all this passages, it is clear to the reader that Jesus understand that nothing He did was for His sake. That all he did was in order to accomplish and allow passing what had been said by others. He was giving credence to the words of others.
7. Using gospel parallels, study the five sermons in mts Gospel. How has Matthew brought together traditional material in each case How do the concluding warnings about judgement fit in with the teaching given in each sermon
    Jesus chose to use what the people could easily identity with. He used readily available example when teaching. When He concluded a teaching, the underlying fact in all is that the analogy He gave was not out the world. But rather, it was one all could identify with. That is why it was so easy for the people to call him teacher.


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