Living in Taoism.

Taoism is more a tradition that is transmitted verbally to the next generations. No written records are available that can tell the exact history of Taoism. However, Taoism can be traced back to the shamanistic practices. Taoism is a practice that is very flexible and adaptable. That is why it is still surviving today because it can be easily moulded as per the needs of the time. Still today Taoism is keeping pace with the modern culture. Taoism mainly focuses on the practices that can give an individual an eternal life. The answer for infinite life is to utilize the time available to explore and live to your nature. Taoism offers an alternative to religious beliefs found elsewhere and includes teachings that attempt to align the human form with cosmic forces.
Earth Lore in the work Living Simply The Art of Taoism helps us in understanding what really Taoism is. Let me clarify this that Taoism is not a religion. Rather it is best described as a philosophy. This philosophy is about living on the earth.
Tao signifies THE WAY. If an individual wants to live in accord with the others then he should follow this path. Taoisms fundamental concept is deeply rooted in the endeavor of living in harmony. If an individual wants to achieve immortality then he must synchronize himself with environment. The infinite life will further be accompanied by spiritual liberation.
Despite the fact that Taoism is mystical, its application is very practical. Different aspects of politics, art, medicine, religion, philosophy seems to have been inspired by Taoism. Taoism helps to accomplish more with fewer efforts. In modern times when people are striving hard to achieve their aims, they are often found under great stress. Taoism helps to discover a more calm and relaxed way of living (Alexander et al, ix).
 HYPERLINK httpwww.associatedcontent.comuser1884phillip_townsend.html Phillip Townsend in the work Taoism An Ancient Chinese System for Modern Western Living tells us that Chinese philosophy is very rich. Taoism is also a part of Chinese philosophy. Taoism focuses on the religious practices which praises the virtues of living in accord with the nature. The history of Taoism in china dates back several thousand years. According to the records available, Shamans were the actual Taoists. They lived in harmony with the nature. They served their people by reading omens, catering to the holy link between the people and the unseen world and predicting the yearly cycles of the weather.
History of Taoism
 HYPERLINK httpwww.associatedcontent.comuser1884phillip_townsend.html Phillip Townsend in the work Taoism An Ancient Chinese System for Modern Western Living dictates us that the story of Taoism starts with a man name Li Erh, commonly known as Lao Tzu. He was a royal librarian during the Chou Dynasty in around 700 B.C.E. Lao Tzu was one the chinas greatest philosopher. He was thought to have been roamed the earth with a dragon. Li Erh or Lao Tzu decided to retreat from the society. His mind was enlightened after years of study. He traveled to the far west and reached upon a distant mountain pass where he met Wen Shih. Wen Shih was the keeper of the Pass. However Wen-Shih persuaded Lao Tzu to write a book that reflects his inner thoughts about the society and earth. This led to the birth of Tao Te Ching, a book of philosophy and a deep manual regarding the insights of the meditation and self transformation.
 HYPERLINK httpwww.associatedcontent.comuser1884phillip_townsend.html Phillip Townsend continues narrating that with time to time other profound thinkers and philosophers wrote manuals that highlighted the Taoist thoughts and teachings. The most well known philosophers among them were Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu. Over the past centuries Taoism has grown so much in China and in its adjacent areas that it has been divided into many schools of thoughts. At this point of time, it is almost impossible to separate Taoism from the Chinese philosophy, medicine, history, and culture, etc.
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Taoism states that the world in which we live is composed of two basic forces. They are yin (yielding, receptive, dark side) and yang (masculine, active, light side). It is possible for every individual to live in harmony with their surrounding if they utilize these two basic forces.  Yin and yang needs to be carefully balanced if an individual wants to achieve what is known as Taoism Qualities. These Taoism qualities are vitality, energy, and spirit. If an individual ensures that all these three qualities are properly balanced then only it is possible to keep the two forces of yin and yang easily synchronized with the healthier and happier living (Taoism - A philosophical approach).

Types of Taoism
 HYPERLINK httpwww.associatedcontent.comuser1884phillip_townsend.html Phillip Townsend in his work identifies 5 types of Taoism. They are
Philosophical Taoism
Devotional Taoism
Magical Taoism
Alchemical Taoism
Western Taoism
1. Philosophical Taoism. According to  HYPERLINK httpwww.associatedcontent.comuser1884phillip_townsend.html Phillip Townsend the essence of the philosophical is rooted in the teachings of Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu or the Chuang Tzu. It deals in the philosophy of looking at the universe in the same manner as it has been discussed in the Tao Te Ching. According to this the Taoist should live a simple life. Philosophical Taoism looks a natural living which should be in accordance with the environment of the world. Taoist refers to it as the Childlike state or uncarved block.
2. Devotional Taoism. According to  HYPERLINK httpwww.associatedcontent.comuser1884phillip_townsend.html Phillip Townsend Devotional Taoism is also referred as the folk religious tradition of China. It is headed by the pantheon of gods. This is headed by Tai-Shang Lao-Chun and Lao Tzu is deified. Under a series of people exists. They are the celestial Emperors, Empresses, Lords and Immortals. It forms a very complex hierarchy. People worship Deities, Immortals and Ancestral spirits. They teach people regarding how to lead pious lives. Devotional Taoism is further divided into other school of thoughts. Part of the devotional Taoism focuses on the ceremonies, rituals for clergy, and others stress meditation. Shang Ching and the Heavenly Master are some of the contemporary schools that are still active in China. In Taiwan Redheads and Blackheads are the two major sects.
3. Magical Taoism. According to  HYPERLINK httpwww.associatedcontent.comuser1884phillip_townsend.html Phillip Townsend Magical Taoism is all about the world of spirits, demons, spells, talismans, incantations, and exorcisms. The magical practices are rooted in the ancient traditions of the shamans and to this day are often very secretive. The magicians look for magical powers from everything around them. They are found casting protection spells, exorcising malevolent spirits, leading the spirits of the dead onto the new world, and engaging in rainmaking. Mao Shan School is one of the most influential sects of magicians.
4. Alchemical Taoism. According to  HYPERLINK httpwww.associatedcontent.comuser1884phillip_townsend.html Phillip Townsend Alchemical Taoism is a Mystical Taoism. It focuses on the secrets of the immortality.  Schools of the scientific alchemy viewed material formulas as the means to attain immortality, whereas the real concepts about the immortality are derived from the teachings of the earliest hermit shamans and meditators. They are the part of the Inner Alchemy. Inner Alchemy stresses the body of an individual. According to the Inner Alchemy all the vital ingredients of immortality are found within the body. Body is the microcosmic reflection of the universe. If a Taoist meditates and performs energy exercises (Chi Kung, also spelled Qigong) than he or she can transform the physical body into an immortal energy. This immortal energy can then transcends this world and reunite with the universe. Inner alchemy also teaches sexual yoga in which males and females can cultivate energy together. There are various schools of Inner Alchemy. Some are from the strict monastic background, whereas some are from the mountain hermits.
5. Western Taoism. According to  HYPERLINK httpwww.associatedcontent.comuser1884phillip_townsend.html Phillip Townsend Taoism is also growing in the West. The most famous is the Philosophical Taoism. Translations of Tao Te Ching are widely available in all leading book stores. It is gaining wide acceptance, and it can be witnessed by the fact that now there are teachers in the West who are teaching Taoist meditation and other ancient traditions. Classes on the Tai Chi and Chi Kung are regularly followed by the people for better health and longevity. Other teaching such as Acupuncture is becoming quite popular in the western medical culture.
Tao and God
 HYPERLINK httpwww.personaltao.comtaotaoist_master.htm Casey Kochmer in the work Taoism 101 Introduction to the Tao defines God as the Ultimate Creator, who has all the universal powers. The concept of God varies from person to person. It is a perception of people as to what they believe, and similarly they follow the teachings of their respective god as per their perception. Taoism says that the human definitions are subjected to be right or wrong. All the definitions are related to the human capacity to think. Whatever the humans perceive they interpret in their terms. Thus, to define is a highly personal and sensitive topic. The Taoists prefers to stay out of the argument of the gods definition and respects each persons view of God as being personal and subjective.
 HYPERLINK httpwww.personaltao.comtaotaoist_master.htm Casey Kochmer further continues that the simplest explanation about the god and Taoism is that Taoism does have some gods. But these gods are the tangible beings. We can see them everyday in our life. They may be walking beside us, chatting with peers, sharing tea or may be just playing. The concept of god in Taoism is embodied in the enlightened immortal being. These enlightened immortal beings guide other conscious beings towards the path of enlightment. The help the people in finding the inspirations that are essential for the enlightment.
Two different religious ways
J. Dominguez, M.D tells us that Lao was the teacher of Confucius. Lao is considered as the mystic who talked about the unseen and intangible. Whereas Confucius is the realistic who set a system of moral axioms. According to Confucius human must be virtuous, and pious. The human conduct must be the mans relation with god and the universe will itself take care. On the other hand Lao stressed that good human conduct will follow only if the individual establishes a harmonious relation with the universal principle with Tao.
Living the Tao
Earth Lore in the work Living Simply The Art of Taoism define the Tao as The Way. The Tao Te Ching has an abundance of philosophical proverbs that helps an individual to align the routine activities with the way. Taoism teaches us that there are no contradictions.
 Detachment  Oneness Earth Lore explains this point by describing that Taoism says that by becoming detached from all things, individual actually becomes one with all things. It is based on the argument that when one realizes that he or she is one with all things, then only he or she will realize his or her true self.
 Not-Knowing  True Knowledge Earth Lore explains this point by describing that Tao, The Way is a state of being. It can neither be grasped nor can it be comprehended. In Tao Te Ching presuming is considered as a disease. This is because when you live in a NOT-KNOWING state you actually remain open to all the possibilities. Lets take an example. When you presume that when you consider yourself as an unlucky person, or you consider certain circumstances as a sign of bad luck, thus, ultimately you are going to have a bad luck. Therefore, presuming is a disease. Philosophically speaking an individual needs to understand that true healing will start only if the individual considers himself as being the cause and cure of the disease. Approaching the Tao from the Not Knowing state is the True Knowledge.

Taoism has found various applications in routine life. According to Alexander and Annelen, et al in their book
Participants begin with a calm, tranquil center in the experience of the Tao, and then express Tao in motion, in life, as chi directed outwards. Meditation, Shi Kung, Eastern medicine, Martial Arts, art, and Psychotherapy offers ways to apply these principles for a healthier, happier, more energetic life, at One with Tao (85).
Meditation can help in bringing clarity to the thinking process of an individual. Along with clarity comes calm and peace of mind. This is further accompanied with greater vitality, flexibility, sensibility, and resiliency. The Taoist engage themselves in meditation because they believe that meditation will bring them healthier and happier living. Mind and body are linked together. If an individual wants to soothe his mind, then he must first try to tranquil his body. The body is easily relaxed by applying the different methods of meditation. (Alexander et al, 87-88)
Keeping the One
Taoist practice Keeping the One. When the individual keep the One, they become closer to the Tao and find balance in their life, mind, body, and spirit. When we experience the One, everything around us tends to flow smoothly. But the problem is how to maintain this experience of keeping the One. Meditation helps to bring consistency in keeping the One. (Alexander et al, 91)
Chi Kung Enhance Well-being
Ever wonder how the water easily makes its way. Water is shapeless. Be it in container, or in any other jar, it takes a new shape with that new shape. The most essential characteristic of water is its flexibility in its nature. This flexibility makes the water more adaptable. The same can be applied to the human existence. Taoism teaches the individuals to become more flexible. Because actions that are rigid often end up in failure. Although there is temporary success, but still rigidity is not at all considered as positive. Taoism proposes flexibility as the key to more successful in life situations. Taoist techniques help to enhance suppleness of the body and increase the flow of Chi. (Alexander et al, 95)
Practicing Taoism
Casey Kochmer in her work Taoism 101 discusses guidelines about how to practice Taoism. According to her Taoism lets you flow with life. Some of the practices which are followed in Taoism are philosophical, while others are religious in nature. Taoism teaches only one truth and that is to embrace life in actions that support you as a person. Taoism is all about letting the people live according to their heart. The tips for living as a Taoist are
1. Develop a set of guidelines about your own self. Be true and honest to yourself. Let the other be themselves if they arent accepting you for you true nature. Dont take action against them. If you are living yourself, let them be themselves. Connect to the world as you want to be treated.
2. Discover set of practices. These practices will help your mind, body, and spirit engaged and strong. All the practices should be to support the central theme of your oneself, such as you meditate to clear your mind. Your practices should highlight your essence. Ultimately all the practices will help you in learning more about yourself and about the world.
3. Always remember that is Taoism there are no plans. Taoism is based on the individuals gut feeling and trusting his or her basic instincts. Just relax, and take out time for your one.
Tao is translated as the way. When the people talk about the Tao, they are actually speaking the central them of their practices. The practices should be the according to the essence of human existence .i.e to create harmony with the environment. However, the word Tao is used for a lot more than just Taoism.
Taoism helps the people to move away from the material world, and drives the people towards the immaterial world of spirituality and enlightment. Mind, body, and spirit should be properly exercised. They must be kept clear so as to create harmony with one own self in particular and that with the universe in general. Taoism has survived thousands of years. This is because it is a practice that people transmit to their coming generations. The most distinctive part of Taoism is that it provides the mean by which it becomes possible for the individuals to achieve basic understanding about the natural environment, which other religions and philosophies fail to prove. Works Cited
Kochmer, Casey. Taoism 101 Introduction to the Tao.


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